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The Recovery Living Transition Stipend Program is a community-based approach to addiction treatment, providing an independent, supportive, and sober living environment for people in recovery from Substance Use Disorders. The program addresses the housing needs of men, women, pregnant women, and women or men with dependent children, and helps people transition from treatment programs and sober living houses to their own apartments. CADA, as the contract administrator of this state program, issues stipends that will help absorb some of the rent and startup costs (such as utilities) for a maximum of three months. Other education and information are also offered by a licensed social worker or clinician in order to assist people transitioning from residential addiction treatment to sustainable independent sober living.


  • Have been in a sober living home or program for at least four months
  • Have at least six months of sobriety
  • Have at least five months of gainful employment (or proof of disability)
  • Have been diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder (MAT individuals accepted)
  • Be up to date on rent/fees owed to Sober Living/Recovery Homes when applicable
  • Have no active and/or recent criminal charges within the last six months (compliant with parole/probation stipulations of drug court)
  • Be in an active recovery program (attending weekly recovery support group meetings such as Smart Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, NA, etc.) and should have a sponsor
  • Be willing to undergo random urine drug screens while receiving services

To refer someone to this program, or for more information, contact CADA by calling 318-222-8511, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


To apply for the Recovery Living Transition Stipend, fill out the application and submit it along with the required documents to

Download the application here.

The form can be completed on compatible computers by selecting and typing in each field. Print it, sign it, scan it, and email it back to us. You can also drop it off at CADA's offices or send it in the mail to:


Rental Stipend Program

2000 Fairfield Ave.

Shreveport, LA 71104

The following documentation is required with the stipend application. If all documentation is not received within 10 days of submitting the application, the application will be denied.

  • State ID or Driver’s License
  • Proof of income (two paystubs, letter from employer, award letter for SSI, disability, etc.)
  • Proof of employment if applicable
  • Signed consent forms
  • Most recent drug screen results, if coming from a Sober Living Home
  • Copy of lease or letter from landlord stating client is approved
  • Proof of enrollment and attendance in IOP, outpatient treatment, sober living meetings, or other recovery groups/programs
  • If on probation or parole, contact information of parole officer or letter from probation/parole officer stating compliance.

If you have questions about the program or application process, please fill out the contact form below.

Contact Us

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